
A Song of Ice and Fire – Greyjoy: Heroes 2

Original price was: $34.99.Current price is: $27.99.



The Krakens Many Arms in the Fight

A Krakens many tentacles can seemingly act independently from one-another, but always for the greater good of the creature. So, too, do the various individuals within House Greyjoy. Though they sometimes are at odds with one-another, each one feels what theyre doing is best overall for the House.

The Greyjoy Heroes 2 box set for theA Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Gamegives House Greyjoy players lots of new options for their forces. The set contains new unique characters, including both UAs and NCUs, with several new options for army Commanders as well. Each one has their own goals, but all are working for the greater good of House Greyjoy.


PLAYING TIME: 45-60min

MIN-MAX PLAYERS: 2+players

SUGGESTED AGE: 14+ years old


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